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Zambian Football Fans Allowed Back into Stadiums

Zambian football fans have been allowed to return to the various stadia in the ongoing 2021/2022 Zambia football season as the government has lifted the ban on the playing of games behind closed doors.

Football fans were banned from attending matches in the men’s Super League and the men’s division one league due to COVID-19 restrictions in January 2021.

This decision comes after several deliberations with the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ),The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

FAZ confirmed on Saturday that the Government of Zambia has agreed to suppress the article that prohibited public access to professional football events across the country.

“We have taken note of the pronouncements by the Ministry of Health over the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions in the country and are pleased to announce that fans will be allowed to return to stadia for league matches,” says FAZ General Secretary Adrian Kashala.

“We, however, advise clubs to strictly adhere to the Covid-19 guidelines which include regular disinfection of their premises, masking up, sanitizing and social distancing. We also urge clubs to encourage their players, officials and fans to take up the option of vaccination as part of helping reduce the risk of infection.”

The FAZ official further stated the federation will continue to liaise with the Ministry of Health through the Zambia National Public Health Institute and the Zambia Medical Association (ZMA) in ensuring that football is above board in adhering to the guidelines.

“We also wish to advise our members that should they fail to adhere to the guidelines, they may run the risk of having their match venues barred from admitting fans. The longevity of fans staying at stadia is subject to us remaining vigilante at all times of the threat posed by the Covid-19 infection,” he says.

The Zambian Super League and the lower competitions are ongoing and organizers will now have to allow fans as they continue adhere with the Ministry of Health guidelines.

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