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Egypt: Six Stadiums to Host 2019 Nations Cup

Six stadiums will now host the June 2019 Africa Cup of Nations in Egypt, it has emerged.

Six stadiums will now host the June 2019 Africa Cup of Nations in Egypt, it has emerged.

The move was announced today on the back of an inspection by the Confederation African Football special delegation.

The six selected venues is a shift from the initially announced eight stadiums.

“We had initially proposed eight sites for the tournament, but after the visit of the CAF delegation, we chose only six,” Ahmed Megaheb, the Egyptian FA spokesperson, said.

Among the venues picked are Air Force stadium, the Cairo International Stadium, the Ismailia, Alexandria, Port Said and Suez stadiums.

The aforesaid venues are considered enough by CAF and the EFA to host the Nations Cup which, for the first time, will have twenty-four teams participating.

The African championship begins 21st June and ends on July 19th.

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