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Orlando Pirates Suspend Player Amid Police Case

South Africa Premier League side Orlando Pirates, on Monday, confirmed they have suspended one of their first-team members after he was formally charged by police on Monday morning.

The club did not disclose what the player, Ben Motshwari, has been charged for but rumours going around social media suggest it a traffic offence.

No reputable source has come forward and reinforced that the 30-year-old committed a traffic offence as Buccaneers remain tight-lipped.

“Orlando Pirates Football Club can confirm that it has suspended midfielder Ben Mothswari after being charged by police this morning. Mr Motshwari will remain suspended, pending an investigation,” reads the club statement.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“The matter is subject to a legal process and the Club is therefore unable to make further comment until that process is complete.”[/perfectpullquote]

Motshwari becomes the second Bucs player to be put under police custody in recent days after Thembinkosi Lorch.

Lorch was accused of was arrested and charged with assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

According to the South Africa, Lorch was subsequently released on a R2000 bail before the charges against him were provisionally withdrawn in January 2021.

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