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Title-chasing Algeria’s Alger Owed Two Months’ Pay

Algeria top tier’s USM Alger players are owed an outstanding two months’ salary, it has emerged.

Algeria top tier’s USM Alger players are owed an outstanding two months’ salary, it has emerged.

The arrears were initially three months but reduced to two after the players were paid a 30-day earning this week.

The payment was done to encourage The Black and Reds ahead of a must-win game against Olympique Medea, an unimpeachable source says.

The club have been reimbursed with funds generated from TV rights and by the North Africa nation’s football association for expenses made in the CAF Cup.

Players remaining two months’ pay is expected to be sorted at the end of the month.


Alger go into Sunday’s clash league motivated as they look to maintain a fragile one-point lead with four matches to the end of the season.

At the other end of the standings is a relegation dogfight with Mo Bejaia, MC Oran, Tadjenant and Ain M’lila staring demotion in the face.

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