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Togolese Striker Francis Kone Comes to the Rescue of Opposition Goalkeeper After Nearly Choking on His Tongue

Togolese striker Francis Kone was hailed a hero after his quick thinking helped save the opposition’s keeper’s life.

The Czech First League mid-table clash between Bohemians 1905 and Slovacko on Saturday took an unexpected turn of events when goalkeeper Martin Berkovec had a nasty collision with his own defender Daniel Krch.

With both players down, Slovacko striker Kone took notice of the unconscious keeper and quickly rushed to his aid.

With teammates signaling for immediate medical attention, Kone rushed and pulled out Berkovec’s tongue to stop him from choking on it.

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According to Kone, this shockingly isn’t the first time he has saved a life on the pitch.

“It has been four times.

“Once in Thailand and twice in Africa. I’m always checking the players, to make sure they have not swallowed their tongues,” he said.

Following Kone’s intervention, Berkovec made it safely to the hospital where he underwent a CT scan and is expected to make a full recovery.

Berkovec later took to social media to thank the 26–year-old with many around Czech heaping praise on Kone’s his heroic act.



Featured photo: DENÍK/Stanislav Dufka

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