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Zambian FA Warns Clubs To Stop Holding Training Sessions

The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) has urged clubs to stop conducting training sessions and adhere to government guidelines on the coronavirus crisis.

The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) has urged clubs to stop conducting training sessions and adhere to government guidelines on the coronavirus crisis.

Some clubs are reported to have been holding training seasons, especially aerobics and team-building exercises despite the suspension of all football activities in the country.

FAZ General Secretary Adrian Kashal has expressed disapproval of these reports saying the federation has not yet been given the green light to commence football activities.

“We are deeply concerned with reports of clubs resuming training without any clearance from either ourselves or the health authorities,” Kashala says.

“On our part, we have been engaging the Ministry of Sports and also Health on the possibility of resuming football activities. In the absence of their clear green light, we cannot resume any football activities.”

All clubs found wanting in this respect will be severely punished with the docking of points being one of the options.

However, Kashala has assured the football fraternity that they are in talks with the Ministry of Sports and Health to ensure that football in the South African country returns.

“We are constantly engaging the Ministry of Sports and the Ministry of Health through the Zambia Health Institute and any resumption of football will be in line with the guidance from these bodies. We advise our members to keep safe and observe all the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health,” he says.

FAZ halted all football activities on March 20, 2020 following the outbreak of the coronavirus.

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